
Adding a simple but effective feature the Singapore Airlines websites

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Project Manager

Sole UI/UX Designer


Figma - Adobe Illustrator Zoom - Lyssna


8 wks - 80 hours

The Problem

The goal for this project was to enhance the user experience for Singapore Airlines customers by adding new features to the seat selection process, allowing travelers to make better choices before purchasing their tickets. From a business perspective, I believe this feature could improve the ticket-buying experience, potentially leading to increased sales and revenue.


Users seek more detailed information during seat selection when flying.

While booking airline tickets online specifically during seat selection there is a lack of relative information available to customers who might find this information useful when choosing seats on any given flight. For example: There have been instances where I selected a window seat, only to find upon boarding that the actual seat was either between two windows or had no window visible at all. This experience became the catalyst for the idea.

The problem arose on a particularly long flight where I had specifically chosen a window seat during booking window is my preferred sest, but after boarding, I realized the window was missing. Frustrated and feeling misled by the airline, I wondered why such details and other useful information were not provided during the booking process.


My Approach











I utilized these five methods to achieve my project objectives.

My Approach


Research Consisted of User Interviews & Usability Test and Competitive Analysis


I conducted a competitive analysis comparing several different airlines to determine if any of them offered similar features.

User Interviews

User Interview Results for "Get-A-Glimpse" Research Testing

Objective: Understand user desires and appreciation factors when selecting seats on Singapore Airlines flights.

I conducted user interviews to understand how passengers select seats when booking flights and to determine their priority features. These interviews yielded valuable insights into user preferences, challenges, and expectations, guiding the development of a more intuitive seat selection process. Furthermore, I gathered feedback on proposed new features to ensure they align with the needs and preferences of future travellers.

Number of interviews: 5

Tool used:

Competitive Analysis

After completing this competitive analysis we learned that all three airlines are very popular and very successful entities. The key take aways are that:

  • All four airlines do have a legend on their seat selection pages.

  • All four airlines are lacking in information above and beyond a a simple 2d map and basic seat information.

  • Emirates has the most comprehensive seat selection experience with a lot of imagery, 3d virtual viewing.

  • Singapore Air’s seat map and seat selection don't offer enough information.

  • Qatar, American & Singapore Airlines all have work to do and are missing huge opportunities to include added value features to there seat selection process.

    Nexts steps include performing a usability test and user research

Key Findings:

  1. Comfort and Space:

    • Legroom: Users highly value information on legroom as it directly impacts comfort during the flight.

    • Seat Recline: Detailed information about the seat's reclining range helps users choose seats that offer better relaxation.

  2. In-Flight Entertainment:

    • Infotainment Systems: Users appreciate knowing the type and quality of the infotainment system available.

    • Movie Titles: Availability of movie titles and entertainment options is a significant factor in seat selection.

  3. Amenities and Facilities:

    • Storage: Information on available storage space, such as overhead bins and under-seat storage, is important.

    • Charging Capabilities: Access to power outlets and USB ports is a highly desired feature.

    • Lavatories: Proximity to lavatories is considered crucial for convenience during the flight.

  4. User-Friendly Experience:

    • Ease of Use: Users prefer a seamless and intuitive seat selection process.

    • Real-Time Feedback: Access to traveler reviews and ratings helps users make informed decisions.

  5. Proximity and Location:

    • Quiet Zones: Information about quiet zones for a peaceful journey is appreciated.

    • High Traffic Areas: Awareness of seats near high traffic areas like galleys and exits helps users avoid potential disturbances.


Users desire a comprehensive and detailed overview of seat features to enhance their flying experience. Comfort, entertainment, amenities, and user-friendly seat selection tools are crucial factors that influence their choices. "Get-A-Glimpse" effectively addresses these needs by providing essential information, helping passengers make informed decisions for a more comfortable and enjoyable flight.

With the user flow/journey complete i was able to better visualize the needs for this new feature. I started by sketching ides on to paper fleshing out the look of the icons represent the different features.


The hi-res wireframes came together quite well which led to the development of the feature feeling more and more likea an already existing product.

Added some desktop size mockups here as well.

Sketches/LoFi Wireframes

Icon Development

Hi-Res Wireframes

Icon development was crucial as it needed to seamlessly integrate into Singapore Airlines' existing site design. I aimed for an intuitive and user-friendly interface for this new feature to enhance overall usability and user experience.

The flow included the following steps: Home page > Select flight dates > Choose destination > Confirm passenger information > Select seat > Get-A-Glimpse > Confirm seat selection.

User Flow/Journey

To understand how each persona would navigate the seat selection feature, I created user journeys based on their specific goals.

Cam Jackson


Wants & Needs

Pain Points

Cam is a busy freelance photographer who loves to travel around the world to capture stunning moments with his camera. He is always on the go and needs to book flights frequently. Cam values comfort and convenience while traveling and wants to ensure he has a comfortable seat during his flights.

Cam's biggest challenge is finding flights that meet his preferences and budget. He struggles to find enough information about seat features during the booking process. As a taller guy he needs to know about seat size as photographer he needs to know beforehand the charging options for his laptop and ipad and whether there’s enough room for his camera backpack. Cam wants to easily select his preferred seat and view all the available features and amenities

London, England


Social Media

Online Shopping




33 yo

Struggles to find enough information

Finding flights that meet his preferences & budget

Wants a simple and user-friendly flight booking interface

Frequent disappointment after his flight.

“ Travelling is a big part of who i am comfort is a must ”

Jill Snyder


Wants & Needs

Pain Points

Jill is a hardworking and ambitious young woman who has been working as a pharmaceutical sales representative for a few years now. She is passionate about her job and enjoys meeting new people and building relationships with healthcare professionals. She has a busy schedule and often travels to different cities and towns for work

Jill number one priority when flying is comfort. Having information on how much her seat can recline and how much legroom is available to her is key for a comfortable and relaxing flight.

Seattle, WA


Social Media

Online Shopping


Single live in BF

Pharmecutical Sales

26 yo

Former college athlete with lingering injuries

Struggles to find flight details with specific seat information

Taller than average person so she needs ample legroom

I just want to feel comfortable and that I got a good value whenever i fly”

In order to justify the specific design decisions I was about to make, I developed these personas based on the previos research date i recieved. Afew common characteristics were observed . to further validate those designs prior to implementation. I referenced these throughout the design process.



User Flow/Journey

Feature Matrix MoSCoW

Affinity Mapping for this testing yielded great insights leading to these key themes. Also, the insights show which features were important to the users which helped me prioritize the features I would eventually include.

Affinity Mapping & Product Roadmapping

Themes guided the prioritization of features for product roadmapping, determining which to include or exclude. By using MoSCoW, I identified high-impact features such as specific seat attributes and overhead storage information.

Hi -Res Mockups



After finalizing the general look and feel, creating my flows, and designing key screens, it was time to develop the prototype.

This prototype guides you from the home page through searching flight details to the Get-A-Glimpse interface and finally to seat confirmation.

View Prototype

The goal for moderated usability test for the mobile functionality was to learn how easy it is for users to access the features understand which each feature and accompanying icon was and could they successfully complete the task of selecting a seat aided by the new features. I also learned if the users enjoyed or were happy with the new available features and also what they did not like or would wish to change. I conducted teh test using Lokkbak io as well as zoom.

User Testing

The Solution

Iterations were needed to improve the overall design and with the help of the usability test results I was able to get valuable feedback needed to make the necessary changes to the designs. Key changes to the Get-A-Glimpse icon tray, removal of the pills and the ability to see all the features from the seat map screen to name a few were implemented. Some minor revisions were also made as well.

Design Changes

Introducing "Get-A-Glimpse": An exclusive Singapore Airlines feature providing essential information during seat selection to enhance the user experience.

Get-A-Glimpse offers valuable information on legroom, seat reclining range, entertainment systems, movie selections, storage, charging capabilities, lavatories, and more. These essential features assist you in choosing the best airline seat for your flight.

The Solution

Get detailed information about your exact seat i.e. precise Window positioning.

Choose the Get-A-Glimpse feature or verify your previously allocated seat from this interface.

There's now more options than ever before at seat selection

Get A Glimpse interface is easy to use, practical and fast.

Reflection/ Key Takeaways

What I learned

Future Goals

In future updates, I aim to improve usability with user feedback, possibly add more relevant seat selection info, enhance integration with Singapore airlines' services, and ensure it works well with new technology and meets users' changing needs. Perhaps add 360 degree view capabilities.

Designing the Get-A-Glimpse feature taught me the importance of focusing on user needs and preferences during Iimportat moments like seat selection. I also learned how to integrate new features smoothly into an existing platform to enhance the overall user experience.


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